
Responders:  Training to be a mental health responder or consultant isn’t a static process.  It’s an ongoing learning experience that requires dedication and a willingness to meet the client (company and/or employer) where they are.  It’s not just about the response, it’s about the company, the culture and the individual culture within the employee work group.  There is no one-size-fits-all.  Saying no, it’s too soon, or it’s not necessary are all part of being a good responder.  Schedule a training now.

Managers:  As a manager, you know your employees. Why not apply what you know to  build decision-making skills when faced with an unexpected event? The manager may well be the most important person both before, during and after an unexpected event. This training will prepare you for your role when the unexpected happens.  Schedule a training now.

Executives:   The most expensive crisis plan in the world is worthless if it’s put on the shelf and never updated. Your workforce has changed dramatically since plans were first designed. Remote employees, down-sizings, new hires, acquisitions and mergers all affect any plan that you might have. Even if you don’t have a plan, you should have a trusted network of responders who are up to date and understand your business.  If a responder doesn’t understand the workplace, it’s like having a dentist do a knee replacement. You might get an implant, but not the one you expected. Turn Key Consulting can provide you with the information necessary to meet your needs when faced with the unexpected. 
Schedule a training now.